


socialization, disordered thinking, diagnostics, communication, inter-social relations.


The article examines the nutritional socialization of school-age children with impaired mental formation and adaptation among a group of children and adults. In children with mental disorders, one of the diagnostic signs is dissociation between physical and mental development. This manifests itself in the fact that the mental development of such children, as a rule, proceeds more successfully than the development of language. Their criticality escalates to the point of physical insufficiency. The primary pathology of language is the formation of potential savings of wealth, overtaking the normal development of memory, respect, and mentality. The article analyzes the influx of disrupted thinking on successful socialization and the increasing problems for the full development of the child and social adaptation. The complex of disruption of physical and cognitive development in children due to a known pathology precipitates the formation of full-fledged communicative connections in them from absent ones, difficult contacts with adults and can lead to isolation in teams of same-year-olds. The mechanisms of socialization of children with impaired language have their own characteristics. Depending on the type of mental disorder, children perceive the difficulties of the adopted culture and the patterns of behavior in the marriage. There are a number of specific features of social behavior: social contacts are reduced to a minimum; The practical activity and behavior of a child are deprived of the indirect, non-verbal. A low level of emotional empathy is revealed. The authors stated that the complex of disruption of physical and cognitive development in children due to mental pathology exceeds the formation of full-fledged communicative connections in them from absent ones, complicates contacts with adults and can lead to Isolation in a group of same-year-olds. Integration of children with cognitive impairments in marriage cannot be achieved in the same way as in their same-year-olds, who develop normally. Mastering social security and inclusion in the system of voluntary contributions is important for teachers of additional admissions and strengthening. Expansion of the spheres of socialization of students is expected for their ability to demonstrate their activity in their professional life.


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