


phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment, corrective-developmental process, individual-typological features of children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment.


The article addresses the issue of organizing the corrective-developmental process in speech therapy groups for preschool children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment. It provides an analysis of the conducted research on studying the contingent of children with this disorder and the specific features of corrective-developmental work with them. It has been established that the group of children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment is diverse in its composition. Children exhibit a broad range of individual differences, characterizing their level of speech and psychophysical development. Distinctive features of speech development and other psychophysical processes in children with minimal dysarthric disorders, rhinolalia, complex dyslalia, and dysarthria are described. Difficulties in implementing the corrective process in groups for children with phonetic-phonemic speech disorders are identified. It is noted that the current approach to frontal teaching of preschool children does not fully account for the specific heterogeneity of individual differences among children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. The reasons and nature of difficulties faced by speech therapist-teachers in the implementation of the corrective-developmental process are analyzed. Proposed directions for optimizing corrective influence are presented. Corrective-developmental influence can be effective provided a detailed in-depth study of the contingent of children is conducted, not only to identify isolated symptoms of disturbed development but to discern relationships between them, establish the hierarchy of detected deviations (identifying the leading disorder, the ratio of primary and secondary symptoms), and recognize preserved aspects. This will allow for the justification and development of an individual corrective route for a child with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment and is essential for conducting differentiated work during frontal corrective-developmental teaching. Justified intra-group differentiation of children, based on considering the specific heterogeneity of structural-dynamic characteristics of speech and psychophysical activities of such children and the manifestation of speech disorders during corrective-developmental teaching, is discussed.


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