


social adaptation, strategy, children with speech impairment, preschool age, socialization, inclusion.


Reforming the system of special education by involving children with speech disorders in preschool education institutions with an inclusive form of education, as well as in-depth analysis of scientific and methodological materials outlining the research of scientists, making corrections in the content and structure of the correctional education system itself is one of the priority directions of today scientific activity of specialists in this field. The transition to a new educational paradigm, which is based on the personal orientation of the entire educational process, determines the orientation not only on the development of educational programs of various levels, but also on the formation of a socially conscious personality, the formation of vital and socially significant qualities, abilities and skills. In accordance with this, the issue of social adaptation of children with speech disorders in a preschool education institution with an inclusive form of education is gaining relevance. Based on the generalization of the theoretical and methodological literature on the topic of the study, an influence strategy was determined, which contains a number of interconnected ways aimed at the adaptation and socialization of preschoolers with speech disorders in an inclusive educational environment. These ways include: a differentiated approach in the educational process; inclusion of communication means; implementation of an emphasis on the leading type of activity; socialization of preschoolers; development of independence and social identity skills; correctional orientation of specialists in the educational and correctional rehabilitation process, which is implemented through an integrated approach; development of the emotional and volitional sphere, which includes social and emotional skills; the competence of the environment regarding the specifics of the development of children with speech disorders. The strategy of social adaptation of children with speech disorders revealed in this article is aimed at creating a favorable inclusive environment for social interaction of preschoolers in an educational institution. According to its content, it covers a number of interconnected ways that contribute to the development of communicative competence and social awareness of an individual in an educational and inclusive environment. 


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