


enculturation, socio-cultural experience, Olympic movement, Olympic education, sports behavior, physical education, preschool children.


During the preschool period of childhood, the process of individual inculturation takes place, involving the assimilation of socio-cultural experience. The acquisition of elements of universal physical culture is impossible without introducing children to the Olympic movement. This leads to a new direction in the physical education of preschool children, known as Olympic education. Olympic education for older preschool children involves cultivating initial orientation and motivation towards the world of sports and a positive attitude toward it, expressed in evaluation, judgment, interest in sports, sporting events, operational readiness for various types of sports activities, and real sports behavior in the form of specific activities. This article describes the experience of implementing Olympic education for children in a preschool institution, outlining its objectives and content, specifying the complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of its implementation. The article also presents an approximate curriculum for acquainting preschoolers with the Olympic movement, its history, and modern aspects. It further elaborates on the methods and techniques for forming motivational attitudes, humanistic sports behavior, operational readiness for various sports activities, and highlights the role of integrated development through physical culture in fostering intellectual abilities, moral development, aesthetic sensibilities, humanistic values, and ethics related to sports. Physical education sessions of a combined type are recognized as the leading form of informing about the Olympic movement, with Olympism as the central tool. Methods and techniques include discussions, storytelling, video material viewing, reading of fictional literature, narrative reconstructions of events, didactic games, drawing on sports-related topics, and more. These methods are combined with direct physical activities, creating the prerequisites for the integrated development of intellectual abilities, moral and volitional sphere, the formation of sporting behavior, aesthetic feelings, humanistic values, and ethics associated with sports. The final stage of implementing the experimental system for acquainting children with the Olympic movement confirms the belief of many researchers in the possibility of Olympic education as an effective pedagogical technology in the process of physical education for preschool children.


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