


children, adults, trust, trusting attitude, war.


The article examines the issue of building the preschoolers’ trust in adults. The author presents an analysis of theoretical and experimental studies on the issue of trust formation. «Trust» is understood as a phenomenon that characterizes relationships between people, as special state of moral consciousness, which includes moral feelings and beliefs. Among the anthropological sciences, it is considered as a category of ethics and morality, as a condition for the personality development and the condition for the authority functioning, the basic feeling that is one of the first to appear in the personal structure of a person. In the practice of education, the concept of «trust» is understood as a method of education, a condition for humane relations formation, based on a trusting attitude towards a partner in communication and interaction. In psychology, an idea of trust was formed as a psychological attitude, a holistic system of individual, selective, conscious connections of an individual with various aspects of objective reality. Experts give an idea that trust is manifested in a certain attitude. Trusting attitude is a special style of interaction, determined by the individual psychological and personal characteristics of the interacting parties, aimed at joint overcoming of difficulties, creative self-expression, joint search for meaning, experiences, and reflection. The author emphasizes that children's trusting attitude formation towards adults is realized in the dominant form of communication, is determined by the content of communicative needs and depends on the personal qualities of adults. The influence of the martial law introduced in Ukraine on children's ability to understand and feel people, to show trusting attitude towards parents and family members, to build trusting relationships with them, to establish a safe distance with unfamiliar adults, is justified. The need for trusting relationships between children and adults is substantiated in article. 


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