


higher education, internationalization of higher education, competitiveness, foreign students, student mobility.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the processes of internationalization of higher education in Poland and compare them with other countries of the European Union, which will allow us to assess the state's place in the European educational space and form further development prospects. It was noted that the most important impetus for the development of internationalization in Europe was the Bologna process. The joining of the higher education system of Poland to it initiated the implementation of the pan-European development policy at the state level. The main prerequisites for the internationalization of the educational process in institutions of higher education have been determined. The international student mobility level in the countries of the European Union is analyzed. It was established that Poland is an active participant in internationalization, which allows increasing the competitiveness of universities against the background of preserving the best traditions and specifics of the national higher education system. Based on the study of the processes of internationalization of higher education in Poland against the background of the countries of the European Union, it was noted that they correspond to European trends and follow the best world trends in this field. It was established that this country's share of foreign students in higher education institutions is 3.86% of the number of enrolled students, which is significantly lower than the average value for the countries of the European Union (10.86%). According to the results of the analysis of the total number of foreign students in the host countries, it was determined that Poland belongs to the largest classification group (from 20 to 100 thousand people) and receives the main contingent of students from Ukraine, Belarus, India, the Czech Republic, Norway, and other countries. Certain developments and practices that are characteristic of the Polish higher education system in comparison with the countries of the European Union are summarized. Attention is drawn to the problems and challenges faced by internationalization participants. A set of measures aimed at the effective development of the internationalization of higher education in Poland has been formed, which should be implemented at different levels of management (national and university), which will increase the country's competitiveness in the market of educational services.


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