



distance education, preschoolers, English.


This article examines the issue of distance learning, in particular distance learning of English for preschoolers: pros and cons of this format. The author of the article refers to the key definition of «distance education»; makes a brief review of scientific research on the specified issue; the importance of learning English language from preschool age, which is sensitive, is emphasized; referring to the regulatory framework, the author of the article emphasizes the importance of providing preschool education for the comprehensive development of a preschool child and the legality of organizing a distance learning format with preschoolers. The main content of the publication examines the pros and cons of the remote format of English learning for preschoolers: flexibility and availability, variety of resources and individualization of learning are the pros, while limited socialization, lack of personal contact with teacher, impossibility of organizing such training without the help of adults, the possibility of overload are the cons of distance learning English with preschoolers. The article separately pays attention to the possibilities of remote learning of English for preschoolers, in particular, a concise list of useful Internet resources is given. Particular attention is paid to the importance of interpersonal close interaction between teachers and parents of children in the process of remote learning of English for preschoolers. In view of the war in Ukraine, the author emphasizes the need of distance learning, in particular distance learning of English. Since preschool age is the sensitive period for learning another language, and in general, preschool education is the basis of the education system in Ukraine, and the future of our country depends on it. The author of the article sees further scientific research in the further study of distance learning of English for preschoolers, namely in the development of a distance English language course for preschoolers.


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