


problem-based learning, motivational activity, problem situation, problem task, problem questions.


Modern extremely difficult working conditions encourage teachers to make changes in the theory of pedagogy and the practice of the modern educational process. The concept of the New Ukrainian School envisages an orientation towards learning that will develop critical and productive thinking of schoolchildren, their creative approach to solving emerging problems. In the conditions of modern education, it becomes an objective necessity for the teacher to master and use innovative technologies in his lessons during training. Innovative learning is based on a certain number of technologies, among which there is also a place for problem-based learning. The article substantiates the expediency and investigates the possibility of using elements of problem-based learning in biology lessons as a means of increasing the effectiveness of the lesson in a modern school. 28 students of the 10th grade of secondary comprehensive school in Dnipro took part in the study, which was conducted in three stages. In order to find out the influence of elements of problem-based learning on increasing the effectiveness of the lesson, we used: problem situations, problem questions and tasks that were aimed at increasing the level of mental development of schoolchildren, their ability to independently search for new knowledge and creativity. The level of cognitive activity of students in biology lessons was assessed using the B. Pashnev questionnaire. The analysis of the results shows that at the beginning of the study, both girls and boys mainly had an average level of cognitive activity in class (72%). 18% of students had a low level of cognitive activity, and 10% of students had a high level. After the active use of elements of problem-based learning in lessons, a high level of cognitive activity became characteristic of 14% of students, i.e., the number of children with this level increased by 4%; the average level increased by 5% compared to the previous survey; the low level decreased by 9%. Thus, the elements of problem-based learning that were used to increase the effectiveness of the lesson are justified. It is important to use active learning methods that correspond to the learning content. It is in this way that it is possible to develop in students the ability to independently apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard situations.


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