



least squares method, probability theory, elements of mathematical statistics, statistical sample, general totality.


The article contains a study of the methodological problem of developing the components of an effective computer-oriented methodological system for teaching the discipline «Theory of Probability with Elements of Mathematical Statistics», which is provided for in the training plan for future teachers of mathematics. The methodical and procedural issues of implementing the method of least squares to determine the functional dependence between the characteristics of the sample of the general population in the mathematical software environment Mathcad are considered. Examples of solving problems of equalizing the values of the characteristics of the sample of the general population along a polynomial of the first degree (linear dependence), a polynomial of the second degree (parabola) and a polynomial of the third degree (cubic parabola) are given. A brief review of the scientific, educational and methodical literature, which is used during the teaching of the course of probability theory with elements of mathematical statistics, was carried out, the expediency of using mathematical software during the development of the content of the specified discipline was substantiated. The provision on the need to develop a complex of test tasks of various levels of complexity from probability theory with elements of mathematical statistics for the purpose of objective assessment of students' educational achievements has been formulated. The article formulates conclusions and outlines the directions of further scientific and pedagogical research in the field of implementation of mathematical statistics methods when finding statistical estimates of a sample of values of a random variable of the general totality. The methodological developments given in the article can be useful to students for the organization and activation of independent scientific and pedagogical activities, teachers of secondary educational institutions, leaders of optional and group work of students, teachers of the course of probability theory with elements of mathematical statistics of pedagogical higher educational institutions.


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