



professional development, future teachers, factors of influence.


In the article, based on the analysis of normative and legal documents, psychological and pedagogical literature and scientific research, it is established that the professional development of teachers involves a continuous process of acquiring new and improving previously acquired professional and general competencies necessary for professional activity. According to the conducted research, it was found that the expectation of higher education applicants is related to the realization of their own potential. This indicates the ability for self-development in achieving acme through regular concentration of one's key desires, active efforts (actions) to realize them in order to achieve balance and harmony. Future teachers of physical and mathematical specialties approve of the quality of knowledge, methodical skills and stable moral relations on the part of teachers, which is projected on their attitude to the own specialty. The results of the study made it possible to single out the main factors influencing the professional development of future teachers of physical and mathematical specialties based on psychological and pedagogical training. External and internal positions were clearly defined, namely: external – interpersonal relations, nature of educational activity, educational and professional requirements; internal – individual characteristics, internal activity, need for self-improvement, readiness for psychological and pedagogical activity. It is stated that the effectiveness of the professional development of future teachers of physical and mathematical specialties can be significantly increased if psychological and pedagogical training is oriented towards achieving the optimal level of psychological and pedagogical competence (as a final result) and the appropriate organizational and pedagogical conditions for its implementation are provided: competence orientation of external and internal components of psychological and pedagogical training; updating the content of psychological and pedagogical training taking into account the peculiarities of the professional activity of teachers of vocational and technical education institutions and modern requirements; organization of acmeological influence and support in the process of psychological and pedagogical training of future teachers of physical and mathematical specialties.


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