


educational process, professional education, decorative and applied art, carpet making, teaching method, design and technological activity.


The article proves the relevance of the problem of training young people in various traditional types of Ukrainian decorative and applied arts and folk crafts of Ukraine. It is noted that the preservation of the heritage of Ukrainian culture is the key to the preservation of the nation and the formation of national self-awareness among young people. Attention is focused on the fact that Ukrainian carpet making is one of the important types of decorative and applied art, which requires the preservation of the best traditions in today's conditions, it has a long history, is marked by regional features, traditions and heritage. It is noted that Reshetylivshchyna is rich in authentic carpet-making traditions, hand-weaving techniques, ornaments and patterns, compositional solutions and colors. Carpet making is taught at the Reshetyliv Art Vocational Lyceum – young people acquire the profession of «painter, carpet maker». The scientific-pedagogical literature on project-technological activities was studied and our own long-term work experience was summarized, which allowed us to summarize the work and develop a methodology for teaching high school students to create carpets according to their own project. The presented method involves familiarizing them with the history of the development of carpet making in Ukraine, studying the assortment of used materials, equipment and devices, forming the following abilities and skills in them: creating a technical drawing (pattern), performing preparatory work in carpet making, weaving carpet fabric using various weaving techniques, execution of final and finishing works in carpet making. It was concluded that the developed method of teaching high school students to create carpets according to their own project is effective, as it allows students to comprehensively study carpet making as a form of decorative and applied art and perfectly master the ancient traditions of Reshetila carpet making, show creative activity, develop aesthetic tastes on the best products recognized by the world Reshetiliv craftsmen. The issue of effective professional training of high school students in the field of carpet weaving, formation of relevant professional skills in them requires further scientific research. It is necessary to develop methodological recommendations for the independent work of students in the minds of a mixed form of education.


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