


method, digital storytelling, higher education, communicative competence.


The article is devoted to the method of digital storytelling in teaching English language to higher education applicants, the use of which increases the effectiveness of formating their communicative competence, as well as the skills of cooperation, communication, creativity, digital literacy, motivates to study and promotes greater confidence as users of foreign languages. The authors conduct an analysis of scientific sources and consider digital storytelling as an innovative pedagogical method, emphasizing its compliance within digital transformation of education and science, declared by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2021, and also note its advantages among other teaching methods. In particular, it is a significant facilitation of the process of information perception by young people with clip thinking, because the visualization of information attracts their attention and forms an interest in topics or discipline, which teachers should take advantage of both when working in the classroom and during distance or blended learning. It is noted that digital storytelling should be used to explain complex educational information, for example, some grammatical phenomena specific to the English language, which makes it easier for non-native speakers to understand them. When implementing digital storytelling in the educational process, the authors recommend using a variety of tools, such as infographics, scribing, mind maps, comics and various types of videos (explainers, animations), interactive presentations, etc. The choice of the tool depends on the topic and goals of the lesson, content, creativity and technical skills of the teacher or the student during active learning. The article also presents two examples of using the digital storytelling method, with the help of infographics and an animation for the formation of grammatical competence of students when studying the Third Conditional.


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