


professional competence of the future physics teacher, theoretical physics, cognitive activity.


The article deals with the theoretical aspects and practical implementation of the author's methodical approach to the systematic support and development of students' cognitive activity in teaching theoretical physics at a pedagogical university as a determining factor in improving the quality of the educational process. The author noted that the problem of increasing of the level and quality of fundamental training of pre-service physics teachers in accordance with the requirements of state regulatory documents in modern educational conditions is urgent, complex and multifaceted. The author analyzed the main factors of formation of stable internal motivation of students for active educational and cognitive activities. In accordance with the didactic principle of fundamentality and professional orientation, methodological principles of personally oriented teaching of theoretical physics at a pedagogical university is proposed. The author highlighted methodological aspects of formation, support and development of cognitive activity of students in the teaching of theoretical physics based on the application of active methods, methods and forms of learning, which encourage them to active thinking activity as much as possible, form a culture of mental work and independent practical actions. The list of active methods includes: creation of problematic situations, discussion of physical paradoxes, implementation of the principle of historicism in education, mathematical modeling of researched objects and solving of interesting non-standard problems, drawing up reference summaries, structural-logical diagrams, comparative tables based on literary sources; the use of modern ICT training and program-pedagogical tools of various didactic purposes (demonstration, simulation, modeling, control, testing), the use of interactive technologies (educational discussions, round tables, work in large and small groups) and methodological techniques of the professional direction («Acquaintance» . students' mini-lecture, «The game of misunderstanding», «Say it easier», «Hyperlinks»). Fundamental importance is attached to the solution of the mentioned problem of the teacher's own motivation to work and professional self-improvement, because, as its known, a real teacher prepares his whole life for his best lesson.


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