


digital learning technologies, readiness to use digital learning technologies, people with hearing impairments, inclusive education, vocational education.


The conducted research solves the problem of preparing students of vocational schools with special needs to use CT in the process of studying computer disciplines in the conditions of using IIOs, but does not exhaust the problems of preparing future teachers to study computer disciplines in general. To implement the research tasks, we build a model of an object, determine its structure and relationships with other objects and systems, and highlight its features and characteristics. We see such scientific research as promising: training teachers to use CT in the process of studying computer disciplines in the conditions of non-formal and informal education, in systems of retraining or advanced training of teachers; development of digital resources for the development of skills of using CT in the process of studying computer disciplines; creation teachers’ Bank of e-materials of for the implementation of their study of computer disciplines in virtual space. The model reflects the requirements for training students of vocational schools in the specialty "primary education", assessing the levels of formation of readiness to use it in inclusive education, diagnostic tools for the level of formation of ICT competence, the process of preparation for activities in the conditions of ICOs. The proposed model consists of four main blocks, which we will cover more thoroughly. Due to the lack of a comprehensive approach to solving the most important social problem – creating equal opportunities for disabled people in all spheres of society, including in the field of Education, a number of problems have formed by ensuring the accessibility of the physical, social, economical and cultural environment. To solve them, we must provide a differentiated individual package of support for the learning process in an integrated environment, taking into account the educational capabilities and needs of a student with special needs. The analysis of the results of the study confirmed the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for preparing students of vocational schools with special needs to use CT in the process of studying computer disciplines. We see such scientific research as promising: training teachers to use CT in the process of studying computer disciplines in the context of non-formal and informal education, in systems of retraining or advanced training of teachers; development of digital resources for the development of skills in using CT in the process of studying computer disciplines; creation of a Bank of e-materials for teachers to study computer disciplines in the virtual space.


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