


project; project-based learning; project activity; project method; junior schoolchildren; primary school.


The article defines the urgency of the problem of using project activities in the content of the formation of key competencies of junior schoolchildren. It is noted that the features of the use of project activities in teaching younger students are to provide active, practical and creative learning. Project activities contribute to the development of various skills in children, such as critical thinking, problem-based thinking, communication skills, cooperation, and leadership. By completing projects, students master the algorithms of innovative creative activity, learn to search, analyze and summarize information, apply knowledge, fill in gaps, and gain experience in solving creative problems. Of great importance in the process of project activities is the preparation of students for the presentation of the results of the project, that is, the ability to highlight the most important things in the work, select the most important materials for publication, and express their thoughts clearly and concisely. Project activities perform developmental and educational functions, have certain principles and influence the formation of children's special skills that help them get used to the requirements of the modern world. The use of project activity methods in pedagogical work involves the transformation of the role of the teacher, who now acts not only as an interpreter of science and a carrier of new information, but also as a skillful organizer of systematic independent search activities of schoolchildren to gain knowledge, acquire skills and acquire skills and assimilate ways of mental activity. The role of the teacher in the implementation of projects varies depending on the stage of work on the project. However, at each of these stages, the teacher acts as a facilitator, that is, an assistant. It does not transmit knowledge, but provides the thinking, search activity of the student. The specifics of the work on the project are outlined, taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of the development of younger schoolchildren. The content is presented and examples of project and research activities are given on the example of the subject «I explore the world» in various educational and methodological complexes. A number of tips for preparing and conducting a lesson-project in primary school are proposed.


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