

digital security, educational process, education, European progress, Estonian experience, prospects of Ukraine.


The rapid development of information technology leads to the digital transformation of education, the active using of digital technologies in the educational process. On this basis, it is planned to update the planned educational outcomes, content of education, methods and organizational forms of educational work, as well as evaluate the achieved results in a rapidly evolving digital environment to radically improve the level of education of everyone. Digital technologies create conditions for solving these problems by improving the planning and organization of the educational process, the widespread use of active learning methods and the beginning of personalized organization of the educational process. In the context of reforming and modernizing the educational environment with the help of digital technologies, the main trend is the digital security of educational systems. Research notes the contribution of the digital educational environment to improving the quality of education and improving the content of education through the use of a wide range of digital educational resources, improving professional skills in the use of digital technologies and resources. This is ensured by improving the literacy of modern digital technologies, the introduction of distance learning methods at all levels of education. Estonia's Euro-Atlantic progress in the field of information technology is described, where public authorities have long enjoyed the advantages of information technology both in the management process and widely used in the provision of administrative services to the population. Citizens receive various services via the Internet: issuing licenses, paying taxes, etc. With the help of an automated electronic document management system you can solve a number of problematic issues, such as timely submission and execution of documents, the quality of management decisions, the quality of preparation of collective documents, prevention of corruption. It was noted that having chosen the European integration course and determined it as its strategic priority, Ukraine should focus primarily on the strategy of development of EU member states in the information sphere.


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