
  • Nadiia VIENTSEVA


school, distance interaction, COVID-19 pandemic.


The article reveals the peculiarities of the organization of distance interaction in general secondary education institutions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The author used methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison, generalization, categorical and functional analysis. The study, based on the analysis of a wide range of sources and literature, clarifies the concept of remote interaction, which is considered as the interaction of students, parents and teachers at a distance between specific Internet technologies or other web tools that provide interactivity. It was found that the features of distance interaction in schools include: democratization of education and openness; complete exclusion or reduction of nonverbal information about the interlocutor; dependence on the level of technical equipment and digital competence of participants in the educational process; the risk of distorted perception of the received information, distortion of its interpretation. Based on a survey of teachers, it was found that teachers appreciate their willingness to interact remotely with students. Teachers emphasize the importance of quality technical equipment, a clear plan for remote activities, quality and efficiency of feedback. Among the promising areas of distance interaction with parents, teachers identify: parent meetings, consultations, educational seminars, and some teachers have a positive experience of remote implementation of project activities of students and joint projects of children and parents. At the same time, teachers note that the situation with the coronavirus required all participants in the educational process to very quickly restructure their interaction in general secondary education, for which they were not psychologically ready.


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