


intercultural dialogue, Ukrainian language, German contextualization, cultural exchange, language adaptation, interethnic relations, cultural identity, intercultural communication.


The Ukrainian language has been drawing attention of the German society not only as a language of migrant community communication, but also as an important component of cultural exchange and intercultural dialogue, as a subject of study in various educational institutions. The interest in learning the Ukrainian language among Germans can be triggered by factors, such as a general interest in the cultures and languages of other nations, especially in the context of linguistic diversity in Europe. The interest may arise due to personal connections with Ukraine through travelling, family ties, or other contextual factors. Some Germans may be interested in learning the Ukrainian language to deepen their knowledge of the Ukrainian culture, literature, and history. Moreover, the increasing political and economic significance of Ukraine on the global stage may stimulate interest in learning its language among German citizens. The learning and dissemination of the Ukrainian language in Germany face certain challenges, including its low status, insufficient demand among the local population, cultural barriers, language barriers, and underestimation of its importance for mutual understanding among communicants, limited availability of educational resources, lack of qualified teachers, economic constraints, etc. The article aims to study and discuss the ways and opportunities for learning the Ukrainian language in German educational institutions for both children and adults, with the aim of promoting cultural exchange between Ukraine and Germany and expanding Germans’ knowledge of contemporary challenges Ukraine is facing. In the article, we set out to analyze the experience of teaching the Ukrainian language in German schools and universities, explore the history and evolution of cultural exchange between Ukraine and Germany, paying attention to the role of the language in this process. Our further analysis includes assessing the effectiveness of teaching, as well as the impact of cultural context on the process of the Ukrainian language learning. The research also focuses on the role of the Ukrainian language in the German educational environment and its significance for intercultural communication.


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