


education, teaching, development, primary school, pupils, thinking.


Intensive changes have been taking place in primary education in recent years. They are aimed at the creative development of the individual, his creative non-standard thinking and require constant improvement and renewal of organizational forms, content of education, use of innovative technologies aimed at increasing of educational effectiveness. Thinking is one of the complex cognitive phenomena inherent in humans. Thinking is of great importance in learning of the surrounding world. Thinking, unlike perception, goes beyond the data received by the senses, expands the boundaries of cognition. A person makes certain theoretical and practical conclusions on the basis of sensory information, thanks to thinking. Thinking differs from other psychological processes by characterizing the presence of a problem situation, a task that must be solved or establishing cause-and-effect relationship between subjects, objects, processes and phenomena, as well as a mandatory active change of conditions, in which these tasks are set. Studying in primary school is an exciting process that contributes to the overall development of a primary pupil, is an important component that stimulates personality formation. For the development of various thinking operations of education seekers, it is necessary to create conditions that contribute to the optimization of the educational process by means of various forms, methods and techniques of educational activity. The mental activity of pupils is one of the fundamental problems of the theory and methodology of primary education. Many literary sources reveal the peculiarities of thinking and its development, because it is one of the important processes of an individual's existence in the surrounding world. Human thinking makes it possible to learn more deeply and broadly about the world, relationships between people, human connections with surrounding objects and phenomena, peculiarities of the psyche. Thinking as a process is studied by psychology, pedagogy, biology, cybernetics, philosophy and other sciences. Scientists consider various problems and types of thinking, develop an appropriate system of special concepts, create theories of thinking that expand people's knowledge of the defined personality process, allow a deeper look into the thinking process. Creative, non-standard, critical thinking from a psychological point of view is considered by researchers in two aspects: as a mental process of creating something new and as a set of personality properties that contribute to its involvement in this process. The independent thinking of the schoolchild plays a special role here, because in the process of search, research, problem, creative or project activity, the individuality of the child, his knowledge, skills, intuition is most clearly revealed, the connection of his motor activity, initiative and independence is traced.


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