


sport, physical training, women's football, training, training methods.


The article presents a retrospective analysis of the development of women's football, which dates back to the end of the 19th century, when it was first recognized. At the beginning of its existence, women's football faced stereotypes and social restrictions. In the first decades of the 20th century, women's football gained popularity on different continents. Despite opposition and criticism, women began to form their own teams and play matches. Subsequently, the first women's football associations and tournaments were created, which contributed to the further development of women's football. However, the development of women's football has been hampered for many years. Women have often been denied the opportunity to play at the professional level, and their achievements and skills have not received fair recognition. Only in recent years has women's football begun to receive attention and support. Today, women's football is becoming more and more popular and attracting more and more fans. Championships and tournaments are organized at various levels, and women's national teams participate in international competitions. Women's football also plays an important role in promoting gender equality and promoting women's sport. In recent decades, women's football has experienced an impressive development. Increasing team participation, raising the level of play, developing professionalism and large-scale tournaments have been key moments in the revival of this sport.


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