



general physics, educational physics experiment, electric current in gases, Tesla transformer.


The article is devoted to solving the urgent and multifaceted problem of improving the quality of professional training of future physics teachers by means of an educational physical experiment under modern educational conditions, developing and introducing into the educational process a general physics course of the experimental setup «Tesla Transformer» on the topic «Electric current in gases», oriented to increase the cognitive interest, observation, initiative, level and quality of educational achievements of the applicants. In accordance with the tasks, the didactic potential of the educational experiment in the system of professional training of the future physics teacher was analyzed. The classification of the works of the physics practical course of the general physics course of the pedagogical university according to didactic purposes is presented. Emphasis is placed on the need for pedagogical control over students' acquisition of not only partial, but also general experimental skills and abilities as an integral component of their professional competence. Based on the study of literary sources, a scientific and methodological analysis of the teaching of the topic «Electric current in gases» of the general physics course of the pedagogical university was conducted. The content and structure of the topic, the physical essence of the occurrence and passage of electric current in the case of spark, glow, corona and arc discharges are considered. An experimental installation «Tesla Transformer» was developed and methodological recommendations were prepared for conducting educational demonstrations based on it on the relevant topic of the general physics course. As experience shows, the use of the developed experimental setup in the educational process of courses in general physics (electricity and magnetism), teaching methods of physics, laboratory practice on school physical experiment, history of physics contributes to increasing the cognitive interest of students, the level and quality of their fundamental professional training.


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