



research competence, fire safety specialist, future rescuer, experimental work, pedagogical condition, structural component.


This article lists the theoretical aspects of the conducted research on the formation of research competence of future fire safety specialists of higher education institutions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, in particular the stages of experimental research (organizational, procedural and interpretive), as well as the structural components of this competence (value-motivational, activity and cognitive), according to which his results were analyzed. The purpose of the article is to present the nature, features, and results of a pedagogical experiment on testing pedagogical conditions and the model of formation of the studied competence. The methods of the conducted research are briefly characterized, the obtained results of the experimental work are described and presented with the help of diagrams. In order to achieve the outlined goal, the task was set to conduct ascertaining and formative experiments, for which, in accordance with the methods of conducting them, a control and experimental group of cadets was formed. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed that after the formative experiment in the experimental group, the number of subjects with a high and medium level of formation of all components of the studied competence increased, while the number of cadets of this group with a low level of its formation decreased. Thus, in all components, the experimental group increased qualitatively, its quantitative indicators significantly exceed the corresponding indicators at the stage of the ascertainment experiment. Positive dynamics were noted in the development of research competence of representatives of the control group, but it was not significant. Thus, the obtained experimental research data for the first time confirmed the expediency of implementing the outlined pedagogical conditions and the model of formation of research competence of future specialists of higher education institutions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine for fire safety in the process of professional training.


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