


art-pedagogical technologies, language and literary education, art-applied technologies, game technologies, music-art technologies, photo/video technologies, event-technologies.


The article is devoted to an important today problem – the introduction of innovations, namely art-pedagogical technologies, into the process of primary school students' language and literary education. The relevance of the chosen problem is determined by the leading feature of modern school education in our country – the presence of integrative processes. Appealing to the results of domestic scientists' research analysis and the conducted primary school teachers' survey, the author convincingly substantiates the feasibility of using art-pedagogical technologies in the process of forming primary education students' competencies, both key ones and in the linguistic and literary field of education. The proposed article contains material that is the result of the researcher's investigation and practical activities regarding the peculiarities of language and literary education of the specified contingent of children on the basis of art-pedagogical technologies. Attention is focused on the differences between art-pedagogy and art- therapy, the peculiarities of the use of strategies of these sciences in the educational process of the new Ukrainian school are indicated. The publication contains material on analysis of various groups of art-pedagogical technologies (art-applied, game, music-art, photo/video- and event-technologies), as well as practical examples of their implementation in language lessons and reading in the first concentration of a modern institution of general secondary education. The author emphasizes that the use of the proposed tasks does not require special artistic training of neither a teacher nor students and will contribute to the implementation of complex and active approaches, which the process of younger schoolchildren's language and literary education is based on today. The article will be useful both to specialists in the field of primary education who work at the New Ukrainian School and actively implement educational innovations in language and reading lessons, and to pedagogical institutions of higher education educators who train future primary school teachers. Acquaintance with the content of the publication will contribute to students of the specialty 013 «Primary Education» mastering professional competences regarding the implementation of art-pedagogical technologies in the process of primary school students' language and literature education in order to form a system of necessary knowledge, skills and training in the language and literature field of children education.


Державний стандарт початкової освіти. URL : (дата звернення: 25.09.2023).

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