


future teachers, musical art, primary school, professional mastery.


The article examines a number of pedagogical elements that contribute to the acquisition of professional skills by future music teachers. The activity of a music teacher includes many aspects that require the integration of pedagogical and musical knowledge and skills. The important role of the psychological and pedagogical component in the training of future music teachers is established. They must be able to adapt their teaching approach to the individual characteristics of each pupil, to stimulate their interest in music and also to manage the educational process effectively. This requires a deep understanding of the psychological mechanisms of learning and the development of the ability to apply them in practice in the context of music education. Pedagogical factors that contribute to the successful development of professional skills of primary school music teachers are considered. It is noted that the development of professional skills of future music teachers includes the integration of pedagogical and musical aspects of education. This makes it possible to effectively form general pedagogical knowledge and skills, as well as to develop musical and performance skills. The principle of integration contributes not only to the mastery of the culture and technique of musical performance, but also to the development of the ability to understand and embody the meaning of music. The parameters of professional ability, which provide the availability of scientific knowledge, are analysed; the formation of musical thinking as the basis of understanding and creative assimilation of the specifics of the educational content, as well as the mastery of special skills and abilities; the perspective of the approaches chosen by the teacher for the musical education of primary school pupils. It has been proved that in the educational process of future music teachers there is a significant potential for strengthening the formation of their readiness for professional activity and the development of professional skills. This potential is particularly evident in academic subjects related to musical specialisation. This means that they can become a key factor in the formation of not only technical skills and knowledge, but also pedagogical skills necessary for successful music teaching.


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