


physical education, high school students, sports games.


The article examines problematic issues related to improving the process of physical education of high school students, namely the development of new programs of extracurricular activities for high school students based on the means of sports games, which is associated with an insufficient amount of their motor activity. During the development of new programs of extracurricular activities for high school students, the issues of a comprehensive approach, taking into account the motivation for participation in various types of sports games, remain relevant. Evaluation of the results of the introduction of an experimental program of extracurricular activities based on the means of sports games into the system of physical education of high school students was carried out in the process of a pedagogical experiment in accordance with changes in indicators of physical fitness in comparison with the corresponding changes of representatives of the control group. The results of the pedagogical experiment made it possible to determine the effectiveness of the proposed program on the general physical condition of high school students: the boys of the experimental group had statistically significantly better (р<0.05) values of the level of physical performance (by 5%), speed, strength, power abilities, the level of development of dexterity, endurance and flexibility (by 3-9%), the general level of physical fitness (by 7%) and indicators of special physical fitness (by 4-8%). The use of the experimental program of extracurricular activities also contributed to the increase in physical fitness of girls: significantly higher values of their physical fitness level (by 7%), physical fitness level (by 8%), indicators of physical fitness (by 2-6%), special physical fitness are observed (by 4-6%). The generalization of the obtained results of the pedagogical experiment states the effectiveness of the implementation of the proposed program of extracurricular activities based on the means of sports games, the result of which was a significant improvement in the physical capacity of high school students. This provision provides grounds for the practical introduction of the proposed program into the system of physical education of high school students.


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