


educational process, education during wartime, distance learning, organizational challenges, online services, psychological considerations.


The article describes the organization of the educational process in military conditions, using the example of organizing a 6th-grade computer science lesson in a state of war using online services at the First of May Lyceum No. 4 of the First of May City Council. It analyzes the current process of learning, the current state of education in wartime, which requires clear, prompt, and timely decisions, accessible explanations, the development of new regulatory and legislative acts, and adaptation to changing learning conditions. Distance learning requires careful consideration of technical limitations and the anxiety of students, ensuring the organization of a safe and high-quality educational process throughout the academic year. This also includes protecting the rights of participants in the educational process, both in Ukraine and abroad. The article highlights the features of distance learning, including the use of synchronous mode, where students work live with the teacher. It also describes the advantages of asynchronous learning, such as a flexible work schedule and the ability to independently organize one's workday. The authors emphasize key aspects of distance learning, such as interactive interaction during learning, allocating time for independent study of material, and providing consultation support during the learning process. The advantages and disadvantages of this teaching method are also discussed. It is noted that distance learning encompasses innovative information technologies and teaching methods, making it an innovative pedagogical technology that combines and utilizes various pedagogical approaches. Practical examples from the experience of a computer science teacher in organizing the educational process for 6th-grade students in a state of war using online services are highlighted from all types of activities that allow for the effective application of each of these modes: organizational moments and consultations; teaching new material; practical consolidation of learning; control and assessment of knowledge. It is argued that the educational process can be considered successful only if it not only meets urgent societal needs but also lays the foundation for addressing future challenges in student learning.


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