


professional lexical competence, training of students of non-linguistics specialties, foreign language for specific purposes


The formation of professional lexical competence of future energy specialists is currently conditioned by the globalization of the field of higher education and the necessity to develop communicative skills with representatives of other countries. In the context of Ukraine’s integration into the global economy, English language proficiency is becoming a critical factor for energy professionals. The process of integration has led to a heightened importance of English language skills among power energy professionals. The development of the English language professional communicative skills contributes to personal professional growth and self-development. The article examines the potential of contextual and thematic approaches to the development of lexical competence among future power energy specialists engaged in the study of the discipline «Foreign Language for Specific Purposes». Mentioned approaches have the potential to facilitate the acquisition of professional English vocabulary and its practical application, enhancing professional development and competitiveness in the employment market. The necessity of integration professional lexical terms into classroom is outlined, with examples of authentic teaching materials used by students to introduce new vocabulary terms. The principle interactive platforms used to establish a learning environment in the context of distance learning, which facilitate the overcoming of obstacles in the organization of educational process in a distance format are identified. The research deals with the specific methods used to facilitate professional online communication. One of the key aspects of this study is the principle of selecting educational material and multimedia resources that are conducting to fostering motivation in the study of this discipline. This article analyzes the results of research on the problem of developing lexical competence, presents examples of tasks, lexical terms and cliches for communication exercises and emphasizes the importance of using authentic teaching materials and technical documentation for the acquisition of professional lexical competence by those training to become power energy specialists. The conclusions of the article emphasize the significance of traditional and innovative teaching methods, necessity for constant updating and adaptation of teaching techniques in accordance with modern requirements and trends in teaching the discipline of Foreign Language for Specific Purposes. 


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Professional English. Energy Saving: практикум / О. М. Акмалдінова, Г.О. Максимович, Т. В. Шульга – К.: НАУ, 2019. 83 с.

