


competence, managerial competence, specialist, future officer of the tactical level, structure, component


Generalization of scientific achievements, highlighted on the pages of modern psychological and pedagogical works, made it possible to formulate an interpretation of such concepts as «competence», «professional competence of a specialist», «managerial competence of a future tactical officer» and «managerial culture as an integral qualitative characteristic of the individual».  The components (components) of professional competence of future tactical officers in the process of professional training are allocated and scientifically substantiated,  namely: methodological, regulatory, managerial (managerial), design, research, didactic, communicative.  On the basis of the analytical approach, the components of the structure of managerial competence of tactical officers in the process of professional training, highlighted in scientific and pedagogical works, are analyzed. In the course of the study, the following components of the structure of managerial competence and its indicators in future officers of the tactical level have been allocated, namely: motivational – awareness of one's own priorities, inclination to a certain management style, ability to clearly predict the goals and objectives of managerial activity; cognitive – the presence of a complex of theoretical pedagogical knowledge, ability to make balanced and well-grounded management decisions, preparedness for the use of information in the form of management technologies; activity – the ability to plan and organize the educational process in a higher education institution (manage your time and the time of students), apply innovative educational technologies in management, as well as resolve conflicts; ability to work in a team; personal – introspection, adequate assessment and reflection of one's own activities, the behavior of others, their correction; ability to continuous professional development; mastering a set of personal and professional qualities of character, manifested in an individual management style. 


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