


professional training, competence development, professional competence, social competence, future officers


The article examines the theoretical and practical aspects of the professional training of future officers during the period of russia’s military aggression in Ukraine. It is noted that in the military education system, the application of the competence approach is increasingly relevant, which, in turn, necessitates updating the goals, tasks and technologies of professional training of future servicemen, developing new military educational standards taking into account modern requirements. Attention is focused on the importance of the development of professional and social competences of military education recipients as future participants in military operations. The essence of the concepts: «professional competence of the future officer» (a complex system formation that combines motivational, cognitive, ethical and psychological components that enable a specialist to successfully carry out professional activities) and «social competence of the future officer» (this is an integrated ability to interact effectively with other people in different settings). It has been proven that the professional competence of the future officer is closely related to his social competence, since the acquisition of skills and abilities characteristic of a qualified specialist is impossible without his successful interaction with society, and a high level of social competence will provide an opportunity to be successfully realized in professional activities. The main structural components of the defined competencies of future officers are considered. The acquisition of professional and social competences is substantiated. A conclusion was made about the influence of professional and social competences on the future professional  activity of the recipients of higher military education and their ability to protect their own lives and the lives of subordinates. Ways to optimize the development of professional and social competences in the process of training of future officers are proposed. 


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