


artificial intelligence, speech-language pathologists, speech-language pathology services, speech disorders, generative AI tools, ChatGPT


The article focuses on the potentially transformative role of artificial intelligence in providing speech-language pathology services. The research identifies ways to apply generative artificial intelligence tools to optimize the efficiency of speech-language pathology services and improve the quality of life for individuals with speech disorders. Among the most important advantages of using generative artificial intelligence, the authors emphasize the increased accessibility and systematic delivery of speech-language pathology services. This is particularly important in regions with a shortage of speech-language pathologists, as well as for children from single-parent families or families where both parents work full-time, complicating their regular attendance at speech therapy sessions. This issue is also relevant for residents of rural areas, as well as for those living in active combat zones or temporarily occupied territories, where access to speech-language pathology services and resources may be significantly limited or completely absent. The use of artificial intelligence allows for the practical implementation of a personalized approach to the correction of speech disorders, in particular expanding the capabilities of speech-language pathologists and reducing their workload. Furthermore, the article discusses the challenges and ethical considerations associated with the use of artificial intelligence in education and healthcare. The authors highlight the need to consider the limitations of artificial intelligence to effectively leverage its advantages while minimizing potential drawbacks. Specifically, the article aims to stimulate interdisciplinary research that would unite experts from various fields to thoroughly explore the impact of artificial intelligence on the correction of speech disorders. 


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