



presentation, visual aids, education, memorizing, perception


The research paper highlights several solutions capable of improving the effectiveness of the process of building lecture visual aids material in terms of the material's ability to be comprehended and memorized by learners.  Due to pressure that the growth of artificial intelligence makes on humanity, and regarding dangers which may arise from that before humanity in the near future, it is very important to create maximal possible amount of conditions to improve human knowledge level.  The objective of the research was to present simple yet effective solutions that may be easily implemented in the process of building visual aids material, with the requirement that the new solutions must exceed the effectiveness of previously used approaches.  The methods selected for this research paper are intended to improve the level of comprehension of learning materials by students, by enhancing the quality of the materials themselves, rather than attempting to influence the person acquiring the education. 

The attempt to adapt learning materials creation methods to the natural ways of human perception has successfully been implemented, in order to improve learning material's effectiveness to human. 

The research paper proposes several solutions to address common issues with presentation materials. These issues have existed in education for many years despite the availability of sufficient technical means to overcome them. Among these flaws are: fragmented material, information detached from the overall knowledge system, monotony, archaic teaching methods, etc. The persistence of these presentation material flaws was due to lack of efforts directed at solving them, a tendency to rely on outdated methodologies, and bringing old approaches to present. The methods presented in the research paper are based on the properties of human cognitive processes, perceptual properties, the associative principles of human memory, color identification skills, and ergonomics. The methods proposed were formed by condensing many years of data and information processing experience. The solutions commonly used in the IT industry, which help professionals handle heavy cognitive loads, were processed and adapted to meet the needs of education. 


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