


educational subject «Science», subjects of the natural science cycle, integrative educational model.


The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities and ways of transition to innovative models of studying natural science cycle subjects in secondary education institutions, establishing their effectiveness and the expediency of making fundamental changes in the content and methods of teaching on the example of the new subject «Science». It is emphasized that the main problem of teaching natural science cycle subjects in secondary education institutions is to ensure not only the scientific and fundamental nature of school natural science, but also the systematic formation of knowledge in the natural sciences in a comprehensive and holistic manner. The scientific approaches of Ukrainian scientists to the realization of the idea of integration of the study of natural science cycle subjects are considered and the specific development of the content of possible changes of traditional approaches to the educational process in order to update it in the direction of more effective formation of students' complex understanding of common methods of studying natural phenomena by different natural sciences is described. It is shown that only an integrative model of studying natural science cycle subjects can ensure that students understand that the methods of natural science are interconnected and in most cases are used in a complex way, and their separation from each other or attempts to choose a main and more objective one leads to a false description of real reality and complicates the path to knowledge of the truth. It is substantiated that the possibility of transition to the modern stage of development of science education in Ukraine is provided by the new subject «Science», the program of which reflects innovative approaches to the educational process, and its effectiveness has been tested in many countries. It is emphasized that the subject «Science» is the embodiment of many years of dreams of Ukrainian scientists, methodologists and teachers to create an effective and pedagogically appropriate system for the formation of integrated natural science knowledge, in the course of which the commonality and essence of natural phenomena, their patterns and inextricable link between them are revealed, and also provide opportunities to verify the commonality of the laws of different natural sciences in practical activities.


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