



didactic game, game technology, musical and aesthetic education, educational process.


The article analyzes the features of games as an educational technology and reveals the methodical aspects of using didactic games in the process of musical and aesthetic education of students, examples of game classification are given. The main differences between children's and didactic games are defined, the main principles of didactic games are characterized, the main stages of preparation and conducting of didactic games are defined. The purpose of the article is to update and structure information about the didactic game as an active educational technology and to determine the ways to improve the musical and aesthetic education of schoolchildren by means of the game. The set goal is achieved by consistently performing the following tasks: theoretical and methodological analysis of the features of the use of game technologies in working with children in the field of musical and aesthetic education; research on the effectiveness of the use of modern game technologies in the educational activity of the art cycle; development of an algorithm for preparing and conducting didactic games in order to improve the process of musical and aesthetic education of schoolchildren. The object of research is the process of musical and aesthetic education of schoolchildren. The subject of the study is game activity as a technology of musical and aesthetic education of schoolchildren. In the process of preparing the article, methods of theoretical and methodological analysis of leading scientific studies were used. The scientific novelty of this research can be seen in the structuring of existing scientific experience on the use of game technologies in educational activities. The practical significance of the article consists in providing examples of didactic games that can be used in music lessons and in extracurricular activities aimed at musical and aesthetic education. The conclusions confirm that game technologies in music lessons and in extracurricular activities make it possible to realize the educational goals of the educational process, contribute to the expansion of students' ideas about the world, form musical taste, enrich artistic experience and increase the cognitive activity of student youth.


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