


educational process from physics, national orientation of textbook of physics, patriotic education.


It is marked in the article, that the problem of education of patriotic personality acquires the special maintenance presently, as in our country in the conditions of war-time there is consolidation of society. It is noticed that most teachers of physics do not pay attention to this extremely important question for diverse reasons, among that basic are such, as absence in young motivations to the study of physics, limit nature of educational time, weak readiness of students to mastering of knowledge, their lack of understanding of the role of science in the development of technique and all modern civilization, and also role of physics personally for itself. It is established, that education of patriotism and becoming of sense of national dignity are maybe only on general ideology, in fact she provides a statement in consciousness of certain values and persuasions, and main – respect to the achievements of culture and science of the state. It is therefore necessary to search all possible approaches to the effective forming of national consciousness, in particular, to acquaint young people with the scientific inheritance of the Ukrainian scientists, andand also by the modern achievements of science in our the countries that provide community, economic and social development. It is marked that an educational process from physics in establishments of secondary education has considerable potential in direction of forming in the young feelings of national dignity and educations of patriotism. On the example of the rich in content filling of textbooks from physics of authors of М. Shuta, М. Martenyuka, L. Blagodarenko, as possible maximally to realize this potential. It is marked that modern requirements to creation of textbook considerably limit the volume of educational material, but it is succeeded to adhere to the authors of the adopted textbooks certain by them conception that envisages forming for the students of sense of national dignity and education of patriotism with the use of educational material of course of physics. It is shown, as possible with the minimum charges of volume of textbook to work out the problems of limit nature of place for information that is able to form sense of national dignity and education for students.


Шут М. І., Мартинюк М. Т., Благодаренко Л. Ю. Фізика: підруч. для 7 кл. загальноосвіт. навч. закл. Київ; Ірпінь : ВТФ «Перун», 2015. 256 с.

Шут М. І., Мартинюк М. Т., Благодаренко Л. Ю. Фізика: підруч. для 8 кл. загальноосвіт. навч. закл. Київ; Ірпінь : ВТФ «Перун», 2016. 272 с.

