


training of future primary school teachers, inclusive education, teaching pupils with special educational needs, competence approach, primary education, professional self-improvement.


In the article the features of professional training of future primary school teachers to teach pupils with special educational needs in the conditions of a higher education institution are analyzed. The state of research of the problem under study is highlighted: psychological and pedagogical literature and normative and legal support for the professional training of students majoring in «Primary Education» to teach pupils with special educational needs. In view of this, the theoretical analysis of scientific works allowed us to clarify the essence of the concept of «preparation of future primary school teachers for teaching pupils with special educational needs» as a holistic personal formation that ensures high efficiency of cooperation between primary school teachers and pupils with educational needs, namely: professional competence; tolerant attitude, awareness of one's own emotions and the ability to emotionally accept children with special types of development, stress resistance, empathy, commitment to a democratic style of communication and dialogic with pupils, skills and abilities of higher education applicants to interact with pupils with special educational needs; students' ability to overcome difficulties in cooperation with pupils with special educational needs; students' ability to overcome difficulties in cooperation with students in the educational process of primary school, to predict and prevent them, to understand the characteristics of these children, their strengths and weaknesses, and to self-improve professionally. It is considered that one of the ways of developing inclusive education as a social and educational phenomenon arises in the training of primary school specialists for professional activities in an inclusive educational environment. In order to conduct research on the training of these specialists, several aspects were taken into account: inclusive education as a social and educational phenomenon, inclusive education as a system of educational services, as well as professional training of students in higher education institutions.


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