

physical training, repeated methods, game methods, technical training, tactical training, individual approach.


The article, based on the analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature from both domestic and foreign sources, along with the study of documentary materials to ascertain the current state of the subject under investigation, outlines the utilization of contemporary methods and tools for training young football players. It assesses their impact on the development of physical abilities, the effectiveness of acquiring and mastering football techniques, as well as physical training throughout the training process. The research has determined that the success of high-achieving sports at both the national and global levels largely hinges on the organization of children's and youth sports schools. These institutions are responsible for ensuring the requisite conditions for fully realizing the potential of children and youth in their chosen sport, preparing them for national teams, and promoting a healthy lifestyle through physical education and sports. The article delves into the matter of enhancing the management of long-term physical training, showing that modern sports pedagogy, psychology, and related medical and biological sciences have amassed a substantial body of knowledge on various facets of this issue. This knowledge can contribute to the optimization of training methods. The article examines various aspects of physical fitness, encompassing speed, endurance, strength, coordination, and flexibility, and provides recommendations for creating effective training programs that incorporate the latest research findings and best practices in the field. It also discusses a range of training methods and exercises, including repetitive and game-based approaches for speed and speed-strength training, as well as exercises for strength development. In addition to physical training, the article underscores the importance of integrating technical and tactical training into the overall training program to help young footballers reach their full potential. Overall, this article offers valuable information and practical recommendations for coaches and teachers working with young football players. It is also beneficial for students who aspire to become coaches and teachers of physical culture, especially those planning to work with this category of youth.


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