



activity, extracurricular activity, acquirer, self-development, future social workers, professional preliminary higher education.


The article explores the peculiarities of extracurricular activities of future social workers, which arise as a result of modern transformations in all spheres of life. Changes in the educational policy of Ukraine were a response to society's requests to improve the quality of vocational pre-higher education in order to ensure the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. Special attention is paid to the training of specialists in the social sphere, instead of traditional humanitarian and economic specialties. These changes in educational policy take into account the regional need for specialists of a certain profile. In particular, training programs are being developed that take into account the specifics of the work of social workers in different regions of the country. This allows to provide graduates with the necessary competencies that meet the needs of the local community. In addition, the article emphasizes that extracurricular activities are becoming increasingly important for future social workers. It allows them to gain practical experience and skills that are necessary for working in real conditions. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and features of extracurricular activities in the conditions of an institution of professional preliminary higher education. Extracurricular work is an activity that takes place outside the classroom, that is, outside the classroom or lecture halls. This can include practical work, internships, volunteering, participation in conferences, seminars, trainings, research work, social work, etc. Extracurricular work aims to deepen the knowledge and skills of students, develop practical skills, promote their professional self-development and prepare them for the real working conditions of the relevant professional field. Extracurricular activities are a wide range of activities that take place outside the classroom. This may include practical work, participation in conferences, seminars, trainings, research work, social work, etc. An important aspect of extracurricular activities is the formation of students' professional self-development. This means that students have the opportunity to develop their professional skills and competencies outside the educational process. For example, they can participate in projects or programs that allow them to gain practical experience and use their knowledge in real-world settings. It is necessary to shift the emphasis in education from passive acquisition of knowledge to active work with students. Students must be responsible for their learning and learning outcomes. They should be stimulated to independence, creativity, critical thinking and continuous self-development. In addition, it is necessary to provide students with access to modern learning technologies. They enable the effective use of information resources, contribute to the active involvement of students in the educational process and the development of their skills in using the latest technologies. Thus, the development of the domestic system of professional pre-higher education requires flexibility and readiness for changes, since the modern world is constantly undergoing changes and instability. The educational system must quickly respond to these changes, reviewing and updating the training positions of social specialists.


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