


martial law, correction program, higher education students, anxiety, оvercoming anxiety.


The article deals with the problem of anxiety in higher education students during wartime. Anxiety in martial law has been increasing sharply, since hostilities create an unstable and dangerous environment, which strongly affects the psycho-emotional state of higher education students. It is emphasized that the modern educator of a higher education institution in wartime should be a resourceful specialist who obtains techniques for reducing emotional tension and regulation of stress. The article aimed to disclose the experience of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology and Special Education named after prof. T. Ponimanska in overcoming the anxiety of the master’s students of the specialty 012 Preschool education at the Rivne State University of the Humanities during martial law. The article presents the results of the level of anxiety examined according to the Spielberg anxiety test. The students were proposed to determine the level of their anxiety by reflecting and responding to a number of statements. It has been found that half of the students experience increased levels of anxiety. The experience of the educators of the department, who combined their efforts to organize and provide psychological assistance to education applicants, have been analyzed. Among the main activities and directions there are: 1) a psychological service was created directly at the department, where students could receive the necessary psychological assistance; 2) active involvement of students in various projects, charitable actions, volunteer work, in order to feel their needs; 3) a special correction program has been developed to overcome and reduce anxiety. It consisted of several stages: teaching students emotional regulation skills; familiarity with the concept of social anxiety, the causes of its occurrence and the peculiarities of working on its overcoming; formation of stress resistance skills with breathing exercises. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for overcoming anxiety in higher education in wartime are proposed: a sense of security at the university; individual approach in students' learning; mastering the skills of emotional regulation; mastering the ability to refocus attention from assessing themselves on the external environment; formation of stress resistance skills with the help of breathing exercises; development of benevolence, mutual assistance, etc. Awareness of these conditions and incorporating them into practice not only allow students to reduce anxiety, but also provide their intellectual and personal growth, adequate development of the emotional-volitional, cognitive and motivational sphere of their personality, even in challenging circumstances.


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