


theoretical physics, thermodynamics and statistical physics, classical statistics, future physics teacher.


The article highlights the methodological features of teaching the basics of classical statistics as one of the key issues of the theoretical physics course at a pedagogical university, which is of great importance in the fundamental professional training of pre-service physics teachers. It is noted that despite the sufficient number of available educational and methodical sources and the originality of the author's approaches in covering the main issues of the course, the need to improve the methodology of its teaching under modern educational conditions is urgent. According to the pedagogical experience of the author, the effective assimilation of the fundamentals of classical statistics in the course of theoretical physics by students will be facilitated by the content compactness, mathematical conciseness and logical sequence of the presentation of the educational material; ensuring systematic active cognitive work with a holistic educational and methodological complex of the discipline, oriented to the formation of a scientific worldview and thinking style as the basis of professional competence, and continuous monitoring of the results of their educational achievements. In a condensed version, the physical content of the theorem on the equal distribution of energy by molecular and viral degrees of freedom is proved. The physical essence of classical theories of heat capacity of gases, solids, equilibrium electromagnetic radiation of an absolutely black body using the theorem on equal distribution of energy is highlighted. Attention is focused on the importance of students' awareness of the difficulties of reconciling these theories with experiment and the need for further scientific research in solving the outlined questions as a turning point in the development of physical science at the beginning of the 20th century, which led to the birth of quantum theory and the formation of a new physical picture of the world. It is noted that the effectiveness of the methodical approach proposed by the author in teaching the specified questions of the course of theoretical physics is confirmed by the level of cognitive activity and the results of the final module control of students in recent years.


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