


project technologies, project method, educational design, pedagogical design, project-technological activity.


The article determines the relevance of the problem of using project technologies in the educational sphere. It is noted that it is the project method that allows the teacher to focus on the individual needs of students, to create conditions for the development of creativity and innovative thinking. Attention is focused on the fact that the project method began to be actively used in education in the 20th century. This method has been used as an effective teaching method. In the USA, its use was initiated by D. Dewey, W. Kilpatrick and E. Collings. The ideas of organizing education based on the principles of freedom, independence and cooperation are presented in the pedagogical studies of H. Parkhurst. The teacher developed a laboratory method and implemented it in school practice. The use of elements of the project method in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century was carried out in experimental schools in Europe. It is noted that the use of the project method in Ukraine began in the 20s of the last century and was associated with the names of prominent Ukrainian teachers – S. Rusova, A. Makarenko, and in the 1950s and 1960s – V. Sukhomlynskyi. Their pedagogical activity is related to the project activity of pupils in educational work and ideas of pedagogical design. A conclusion was made about the use of design technology in the educational process, which is related to educational design and pedagogical design. Project method in 20th century education. used to improve the quality of education and upbringing of children, to bring the content of education closer to the realities of life, to form the younger generation's ability to use the acquired knowledge in practical situations. Student education was organized on the principles of freedom, independence and cooperation. Teachers also used the project method for the purpose of creative development of students. And pedagogical design was connected with creative pedagogical work and personality design. The issue of the use of design technologies in modern technological education, which are related to educational and pedagogical design in institutions of general secondary education, requires further scientific research. It is also necessary to study the issue of effective training of future teachers of technology and professional activity.


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