


zemstvo primary school, developmental learning, teacher's professional training, pedagogical legacy of M. Korf.


This article explores the importance of studying the progressive ideas of national educators from the past in the contemporary stage of educational system modernization. Today's education is characterized by significant transformations in its organization and content as a comprehensive system. Such an approach prevents the repetition of mistakes and indicates prospective ways to address urgent tasks within the system of complete general education, with primary schools being its foundational link. An analysis of scientific and methodological literature reveals that meeting the requirements of the state standard for primary education, which are defined and implemented in practice, yields positive results. However, improvements continue to be made, considering the complex realities of the present. It has been observed that the process of rebuilding will be more effective if it takes into account the study of the experiences of previous generations of educators in the modern education system. This approach allows for a deeper understanding of their achievements and the creative utilization of their humanistic ideas while organizing the educational process in the new Ukrainian school. The ideas of M. Korf, as a continuator of K. Ushinsky's pedagogical views, align in many ways with the objectives addressed by the contemporary primary school. Nevertheless, they require timely reassessment in connection with the issues of developmental and competency-based learning, which are key elements in normative state documents on education. The theoretical and methodological principles of the pedagogical experience of the 19th-century national figure, Mykola Korf, have been studied, including his textbooks, methodological developments, articles in the press, reports on teachers' congresses, etc. It is determined that all of his organizational, practical, and methodological work was a vivid example of the necessity for decisive creation of new directions in organizing the educational process, considering the trends in societal development. The theoretical and applied activities, as well as the pedagogical and enlightening ideas of M. Korf, became a defining component and characteristic feature of the Ukrainian pedagogical system.


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