


relocation, university, management, support programmes.


The article examines the complex situation faced by universities that were relocated due to the russian occupation of parts of Ukraine. While the relocation of some universities to branches within the same region simplified the process of moving and adaptation, others that moved to remote areas encountered challenges in integrating into new contexts and socio-cultural environments. The management of universities that have moved due to conflicts, political pressure, wars, or other crises is commonly referred to as the management of relocated universities, exiled universities, or universities in exile. The primary goal of these universities is typically to preserve academic and intellectual activities in challenging circumstances and provide opportunities for education and research for students and scholars who were forced to relocate with the university. Managing relocated universities is a complex task that requires flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. The key objective is to ensure the accessibility of educational opportunities for those who find themselves in difficult situations, as well as to preserve and develop the educational and research potential of the relocated university before, during, and after the return to their native territories following the de-occupation of the territory. The article explores international experiences in managing relocated universities as valuable sources for improving university management in the context of armed conflicts, territorial occupations, conflicts, and other negative influences. The article highlights innovative approaches to managing relocated universities in different countries. It posits that the success of relocated universities depends on their ability to adapt, fulfil their innovative mission, and play the role of cultural and community centres. The authors propose the idea of further research into the directions of development for relocated universities with the aim of ensuring the stability of their operations and preserving the student, faculty, and staff community.


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