


internationalization, composite indicator, weight, factor, Poland.


The article is dedicated to the examination of the structure of university rankings within the Perspektywy ranking, which is the most popular academic university ranking in Poland. The main objective of the research is to investigate the internationalization of universities through the lens of the comprehensive indicator «Internationalization», which is a component of the ranking assessment used to rank Polish universities in the annual Perspektywy academic university ranking. To achieve this goal, the research analyzes the specific position of the comprehensive indicator «Internationalization» within the overall ranking assessment. The article conducts an analysis of the structure and dynamics of factors influencing the comprehensive «Internationalization» indicator during the period from 2011 to 2023. The results of the analysis demonstrate that the structure of this indicator undergoes changes over the investigated period, indicating the continuous development and adaptation of universities to contemporary educational and scientific trends at the national and global levels. Changes in the composition of factors, as well as changes in the relative weights of factors that constitute the comprehensive «Internationalization» indicator in the Perspektywy ranking, suggest the need to consider internationalization as a multifaceted and dynamic process. The removal of the factors «Teaching in Foreign Languages» and «Programs Taught in Foreign Languages» from the list of factors determining the level of internationalization in the Perspektywy ranking and the addition of factors such as «Influence of Cooperation», «Participation in a European University», «Academic Staff Exchange (outgoing)», «Strategic Partnership Projects where the University is a Leader under the Erasmus+ Program», and «Multinational Student Environment» confirm the hypothesis of the reorientation of the ranking from quantitative to qualitative aspects of university activities. Internationalization of the university becomes an essential indicator in the national ranking of academic universities in Poland, which reflects not only the institution's readiness for international cooperation but also its ability to maintain and enhance its competitiveness at the national and, consequently, global levels in the field of education and research.


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