



bilingual education, historical prerequisites for the development of bilingual (multilingual) education, proposals for the development of bilingual (multilingual) education, language legislation of Ukraine, principles of the state language policy, bilingual (multilingual) communicative competence.


The article highlights the historical prerequisites for the development of bilingual (multilingual) education in Ukraine. The goals and principles of the state language policy of Ukraine are defined. The laws of Ukraine on the functioning of languages on its territory are outlined. On the basis of the results of the conducted research, proposals for the development of bilingual (multilingual) education in our country based on European experience are substantiated. Their main directions can be presented at several levels: educational-administrative, conceptual, regional, scientific-methodical, school, individual. At the educational and administrative level, it is necessary to provide support for educational initiatives for the development of bilingualism (multilingualism) at the regional and state levels with the aim of preserving the existing linguistic and cultural heritage and further integration into the European and world educational space, to provide the implementation of the state language policy to the education system taking into consideration regional features, ensure the training of bilingual specialists. At the conceptual level, it is necessary to improve the conceptual principles of bilingual (multilingual) education, taking into account national characteristics and the Western European experience, the requirements of the Ukrainian society and labor market. At the methodological and scientific level: to investigate the foreign experience of various technologies of bilingual (multilingual) education and conduct an experimental verification of their application in Ukrainian education, to form an educational environment of new quality thanks to the use of open educational resources available in European countries. At the school level: encourage the diversification of language learning in schools, introduce the process of curriculum integration in language subjects, provide methodical support. At the individual level: apply the language learning experience of pupils, students, promote the development of language abilities, form the habit and need to learn languages throughout life, etc.


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