


scientific activity, academic professionals,university, war, peacetime, Covid-2019.


Contemporary global development conditions present a range of challenges and opportunities to academic experts in higher education institutions, who must navigate them with limited resources and varying circumstances. The study outlined in this article aims to investigate the factors that influence the scholarly engagement of academic personnel across different timeframes, encompassing both times of peace and conflict. The findings from the analysis underscore critical limitations and motivations that mold the scholarly conduct of university educators. During periods of tranquility, the principal barriers to scholarly engagement include substantial administrative and methodological workloads, as well as limited financial impetus. In times of military events, emotional fatigue and financial hurdles emerge as primary factors curbing the scholarly involvement of academic staff, particularly when coupled with excessive workloads. Moreover, the research results reveal that adaptable work environments, embracing hybrid learning models, also significantly contribute to scholarly involvement. The analysis brings to light the need for dedicated research time in scholarly activities, necessitating a harmonious balance between teaching, methodological commitments, administrative duties, and opportunities for profound research. An intriguing revelation is that young instructors prove most productive, emphasizing the critical role of their guidance and growth. The study's deductions emphasize the importance and imperative of streamlining university operations, particularly through the equitable allocation of workloads, prioritization of psychological and emotional well-being, and establishment of favorable circumstances for scholarly commitment, especially among emerging academics, across local, regional, and national domains. These findings establish a groundwork for crafting effective strategies aimed at sustaining academic experts and fostering scholarly engagement within universities amidst a backdrop of dynamic transformations.


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