


humanism, humanization, professional competence, future speech therapists, professional training.


The article substantiates humanism as a factor in the formation of professional competence of future speech therapists, examines in detail the specifics of the formation of a speech therapist in the conditions of university education. The society's path to a modern understanding of the humanistic tasks of special education, the periods of formation of the education system for persons with developmental disabilities in Ukraine are analyzed. A historical review of the development of humanistic pedagogy and an analysis of the state of modern education convincingly prove that the idea of humanism, which is the basis of the most famous progressive pedagogical teachings, becomes most relevant in crucial periods of social development, when the need of a certain society for the spiritual union of people is clearly visible. That is why today Ukrainian society is oriented towards democratic principles, humanization of the educational process, implementation of an inclusive educational environment. It is emphasized that the humanization of the attitude of modern Ukrainian society towards people with developmental disabilities was manifested in the state policy of inclusion in education and all other spheres of social life, brought significant changes to the professional activity of teachers in general and teachers in the field of special education, speech therapists, in particular. It is quite natural that in connection with this, the state puts forward qualitatively new requirements for specialists of the special education system. The article emphasizes that in the conditions of changing paradigmatic projections, the role of the future speech therapist is growing as an example of socially and pedagogically appropriate ways of interacting with others and a direct organizer of a humanistic environment in an inclusive educational space, in which he interacts with a child with special needs, a children's team, and parents of children. The professional competence of the speech therapist, formed on the basis of humanism as a result of training in institutions of higher education, is of decisive importance for solving the above-mentioned tasks.


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