


balance function, children with special educational needs, speech development.


The article examines the significance of the balance function and the organs responsible for it in the general psychophysical development of children from the perspective of neurophysiology, neuropsychology, and neuropedagogy. The basis of the development and improvement of this function lies in the child's relationship with the two dual components of his existence: the gravitational force of attraction and the earth's support. On the basis of this interaction, the necessary supporting and straightening reactions are gradually formed, which in the future need to ensure a stable position of the child's body in an orthograde two-support position. First, the child's static equilibrium is formed (in place, not moving), then it improves to static-dynamic equilibrium (in the city, but moving) and finally, the child masters dynamic equilibrium (in motion). The balance function is based on the postural system of aplomb with its five external and internal channels: vestibular, visual, oculomotor, proprioceptive, gifted, articulatory (lower jaw) and auditory. Synchronization of the activity of these input channels provides appropriate and adequate postural reactions to preserve the child's body in space. The vestibular system is of particular importance, since it is the most widely represented in the formations of the child's brain and interacts with other sensory channels. The authors proposed the following algorithm for using the possibilities of the balance function in the sensorimotor development of children in the context of improving their psycho-speech development: the formation of support-rectifying antigravity reactions and poses; development of static balance in stationary poses; development of stato-dynamic equilibrium; development of dynamic balance, moving with purposeful progress in different directions; the development of vestibulo-motor reactions for the formation of the child's orientation in space (in the «space of his body», minispace, macrospace).


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