



Significant in the article is the relevance of the outlined issues and the innovative approach to the practical resolution of the development of the early intervention service system in the context of contemporary realities.


This article outlines the current issues of early intervention service development in the conditions of martial law and the paradigm of new horizons in social work. It emphasizes the normative-legal foundations and practical possibilities for expanding the providing social services to the local community. A priority focus is on families with children at social and biological risks, who have found themselves in situations of being denied the right to receive services for early detection of developmental disorders or risks of such disorders in children, individual family development plans for children, necessary social support and assistance services. The author highlights the necessity of seeking and creating real opportunities to address this dilemma. The paper contains an analysis of the relevance of the stated research topic, consideration of normative-legal and organizational-administrative documents in the field of social work with early intervention, and the implementation of a comprehensive approach to exploring innovative solutions to the issue. The author conducted research related to determining the needs of the local community and parents raising special needs children for early intervention services; the attitudes of government officials and experts involved in working with this category of children; legislative, methodological, and personnel capacity of the social services center for the introduction of early intervention services into the institution’s structure. The article presents methods and results of experimental research conducted at the Selydove Social Services Center, which indicate the community’s need for newly established early intervention services, expanding the range and forms of support for parents of such children, and the capabilities of the existing social services center to establish an early intervention department and provide children with developmental disorders from birth to 3-4 years with accessible, timely, and high-quality early intervention services. Significant in the article is the relevance of the outlined issues and the innovative approach to the practical resolution of the development of the early intervention service system in the context of contemporary realities.


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