


social work, scientific field of «social work», professional social work, principles of social work, patterns of social work.


The article outlines the components of the scientific field «social work», presents the features of the emergence and development of social work as a science; theoretical aspects of the formation and development of social work as a profession are revealed. The topicality of the topic is due to the fact that the scientific field of «social work» has existed in the world for more than a hundred years. But in professional activity until now, there are a significant number of problematic issues regarding the birth of this science and the specifics of providing social assistance to various categories of the population. The concept of «social work» in a broad and narrow sense is defined. The professional components of social work as a practical activity were analyzed, the main causes of emergence, essential features, stages of development of the scientific field «social work» from the end of the 19th century until today were revealed; the basic content of social work is defined; the mechanisms of its development were analyzed; the scientific structure of social work is described and its principles and regularities are highlighted. The purpose of the article is to consider the modern understanding of social work as a complex social phenomenon, which has various aspects and is defined as a model by which society performs the functions of preserving and reproducing the individual as a social component. It is a set of actions and methods aimed at providing assistance to various population groups in solving their problems. According to the results of the analysis of scientific research, the theoretical principles of the origin and development of social work were revealed; the scientific essence of the concepts: «social work», «professional social work» is determined; the current level of social work as a scientific field and professional activity is clarified; the theoretical prerequisites for the birth and development of social work as a practical professional activity are revealed and analyzed. The results of scientific research on the emergence and development of social work as a profession are summarized; socio-economic factors that contributed to the emergence and development of professional social work are identified and revealed; the prerequisites for the emergence of social work as a science are highlighted; the specifics of social work as a professional activity are revealed, as well as the prospects and regularities of its development in the conditions of the ХХІst century. It was concluded that the effectiveness and feasibility of the development of the scientific field «social work» depends on social and economic changes in society. This includes society's readiness for changes in the structure of social relations and social policy. in order to achieve the effectiveness and feasibility of the development of the scientific field «social work», interaction between social workers, scientists, government bodies and the public is required. This includes working together to develop and implement social work strategies, sharing experiences and knowledge, and involving the public in social policy decision-making.


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