



socio-psychological climate, practical psychologist, preschool education institution, signs of a favorable socio-psychological climate, team.


The article defines the concept of «social-psychological climate» as a qualitative aspect of interpersonal relationships, which manifests itself in the form of a set psychological conditions that promote or hinder productive joint activities and comprehensive development of the individual in the group. An analysis of research on the problem of forming the teaching staff’s socio-psychological climate was carried out. It was determined that the main signs of a favorable social and psychological climate are: mutual trust and high demands among group members; constructive, friendly and business criticism; freedom in expression of one's opinion during the discussion of issues concerning the entire team; lack of pressure from managers on subordinates and recognition of the right to make important decisions for the group; satisfactory awareness of team members about their tasks and state of affairs; satisfaction with belonging to the team; high emotional mutual assistance in situations that cause frustration in any of the team members; mutual acceptance of responsibility for the affairs’ state in the group by each of its members. It has been established that the most effective forms in the work of a practical psychologist in a preschool education institution with the teaching staff are individual consultations, psychological-pedagogical councils, conducting trainings, round tables, seminars-workshops, debates, etc. It was found that the work of a practical psychologist in a preschool education institution is of great importance for improving the social and psychological climate in the team. The use of diagnostic and developmental work methods will help to strengthen the relationship between teachers, children and parents, create a favorable environment for learning and development. It was concluded that thanks to the professional work of a practical psychologist, children will be able to grow up to be healthy, happy and successful individuals, teachers and parents will find support and understanding. Practical recommendations for a psychologist regarding the formation of a positive socio-psychological climate in a preschool education institution are offered.


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